Fractional Recruiting: All About Flexible Recruiting & Hiring Services

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Fractional Recruiting – Flexible - Full-Cycle or Project-Based Recruiting and Hiring

New this year at Red Seat is Fractional Recruiting.  Our Fractional services are a practical choice for a number of situations.   Red Seat’s Fractional Recruiting is on-demand full-cycle recruiting, or project-based services for recruiting and hiring needs.  Working on-site, or remotely, our Fractional Recruiters have the support and tools of the Red Seat team, resulting in a quality and comprehensive recruiting solution. 

Here are some examples of where and when Fractional Recruiting is a sensible business strategy to keep your business moving (and your company staffed).

Hiring Surge

Hurrah!  You just landed a contract and now you need to hire 5, 30 or 100 people.  Red Seat is a flexible resource to help you get the job done.  First and foremost, we are there when you need us (and not on the clock when you don’t need us).  Our approach to helping you fill your positions is adaptable and customized to your needs.  The goal is to assist your team in getting the job done, working with you to complete the project, or to augment the skills and resources on your team with the manpower needed to recruit and hire the team members you seek. 

Short Staffed

Perhaps you have a team member out on maternity leave, or you are short-staffed due to a promotion or a team member leaving.  Fractional Recruiting is a great choice to fill-the-gap during the time when a recruiting or talent acquisition role on your team is vacated.   Whether you need a full-time staff member or a few hours of recruiting help a week, our professional team members can jump in on a multitude of recruiting tasks. 

Limited internal HR, Recruiting or Talent Acquisition resources

For when a company has limited, or no, Recruiters or Talent Acquisition team members on staff.  Our Fractional Recruiting team members can assist with setting up recruiting processes, assist with a critical hire, or help out by finding and/or contacting top candidates.

For more information, or to discuss an anticipated need, call or email me.  I look forward to connecting with you!  Talley Flora // // (952)-893-0020