Hiring? How to conduct a great phone screen (free offer)

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At Red Seat, we do phone interviews.  Are we counting?  No, but we conduct thousands a year.  And with thousands of phone screening interviews under our belt, we have learned how best to prepare for a phone interview, what questions to ask and how to wrap up a call that could go on for hours.  

If you are hiring during this time of social distancing, then you are completing interviews by phone or video.  Like in-person interviews, the key to the success of a phone/video interview is planning. 

So here is our offer: If you are interviewing and want an expert to weigh in on how to make the most out of your interviews, Red Seat is offering a Free 30 Minute Consultation.  We will help you plan a high-quality phone interview that ensures you are prepared for the conversation.  A well-composed phone interview includes sharing important information about your company and the open position, along with targeted interview questions to help you decide which candidates to move forward to the next step of the hiring process.        

We will cover:

·         Deciding between a phone interview and a video call

·         How to structure a phone interview for time efficiency

·         Develop phone interview questions specific to your current opening to uncover skills, behaviors, and characteristics essential to a top performer

·         How to best contact and confirm phone/video meetings to reduce no-shows

·         How to wrap up a phone/video interview

This Free Consultation is offered through the lockdown.  The catch? No catch.  We are all in this together.  Hoping we stay safe and healthy. 

Set a Calendly appointment:  30 Minute Strategy Session - Phone Interviews Or contact me directly:  Talley Flora // talley@redseat.com // 952-893-0020