(On Hiring, Recruitment and Retention)
Is your company, business group, or membership organization struggling to find and retain top talent?
Get actionable ideas straight from the expert source.
Red Seat CEO Talley Flora inspires and educates audiences with her engaging, highly customizable presentations.
Attendees arrive full of questions and uncertainty. They leave feeling motivated, empowered and equipped with answers to their pressing hiring questions:
What are the best strategies for finding, recruiting and securing candidates in a very tight market?
Why aren't my help wanted ads producing results?
How do I present my company so that people want to work here?
We’re concerned that other companies will lure away our top performers. What can we do to keep our valued employees?
I rely on my gut when hiring. What else do I need to know?
Trust us. Come to any one of Talley’s sessions and you WILL learn something useful!
About the speaker
Talley Flora, Red Seat CEO, has helped clients hire over 1,000 employees in her 20-year career. She speaks on topics ranging from developing a hiring strategy to the how-tos of building your company's recruitment image. Count on Talley to break down the technical nuts and bolts of hiring in the digital age: online reviews, social media, help wanted ads, recruitment strategies, interviewing musts, assessments, references, offers, and retention. Her expertise and engaging style will help your team address even the most difficult hiring and employee retention issues.
For more information
Contact Talley directly by calling 952.893.0020 or email: talley@redseat.com to learn more about bringing today’s best hiring practices to your organization.
Contact Us Today for a no-fuss, no-stress, no-obligation consultation