10 Tips for Running a Successful Interview
/Many people think they’re great at running interviews…but the reality is, few are. When you run interviews, do you:
Wing it, conducting your interview with little to no preparation?
Jump into an interview without a thorough review of the skills, behaviors, and values you seek for the role?
Use gut instinct to choose who to hire, picking the candidate you like the most or that presents the best in an interview?
If any of these sound familiar, this blog is for you.
As you might guess, a haphazard interview process is less likely to result in a successful hire.
Running a successful interview is crucial to finding the right person for the job. Preparing a well-thought-out, well-structured interview will allow you to truly get to know a candidate and understand what they would bring to your team.
To become a better interviewer, consider these 10 tips for running a successful interview.
1. Come Prepared
The most important element of an interview comes long before the candidate walks in the door. Before you bring in candidates for interviews, take some time to prepare:
Start with the job itself. Determine the skills, behaviors, and values needed to do the job successfully.
Review each candidate’s application/resume before their interview so you are familiar with their qualifications and why they’re interested in the position.
Outline a structure for the interview to ensure you touch on all the topics you want to cover.
Determine your rating criteria. Using a standard rating system for all interviewees will ensure you and your team judge each candidate objectively. Once you have finished all interviews for a position, you can compare each candidate’s ratings to help you determine which is the best fit for the job.
Make sure your team is well-trained on how to conduct an interview. If there are several people running the interview, coordinate objectives and questions among the team.
2. Write Out Your Interview Questions
Don’t wing your interview questions! Before you start interviews for a position, take the time to write out what questions you’ll ask. Tailor your questions to the skills and other qualifications needed for the position.
Avoid questions surrounding:
Details protected by federal employment discrimination laws, such as age, race, religion, etc.
Pay history (if you’re in an area with a salary ban)
Other illegal interview questions, including, but not limited to: military record, credit record, or worker’s compensation injuries.
In general, it’s best to avoid personal questions and focus on the details of the job.
Also, make sure to ask all candidates the same set of questions. Not only will you avoid potential discrimination issues, but you’ll also be better able to compare the candidates’ answers and qualifications to determine who to hire.
3. Set Expectations for the Interview
Do you remember the last time you were interviewed for a job? If so, you know it can be a stressful position to be in. And when people are stressed, they rarely perform at their best.
To reduce stress and ensure a more successful interview, clearly communicate with each candidate about the details surrounding their interview:
When you schedule the interview, provide clear information to the candidate about where the meeting will be, who they will meet with, and how long the meeting will last.
Confirm the interview with the candidate the day before or the day of the interview (especially if the meeting was scheduled more than a few days prior).
At the beginning of each interview, provide an introduction to the company and the position and walk the candidate through what the interview will cover.
Make sure to note when you’ll answer their questions (whether you’ll take questions throughout the interview or at the end).
4. Ask Open-Ended Questions
Avoid yes/no questions whenever possible. Open-ended questions help draw the candidate into a conversation, giving you more information to work with and a better idea of who they are.
Focus on behavioral questions that require the candidate to describe a past situation. Candidates like to discuss how they will accomplish something, so it is important to focus on past examples. Ask questions that encourage thorough answers using the STAR method: Describe a Situation, the Task or goal, the Actions taken to complete the task, and the Results of those actions. These kinds of questions give you an idea of how a candidate would handle real situations on the job and help to validate their experience and skills.
For best results, make sure to give the candidate enough time to answer each question thoroughly.
5. Practice Active Listening
When conducting an interview, listen more than you speak: the candidate should do 80% of the talking. Your job, beyond asking questions, is to actively listen to their answers.
Active listening requires you to focus entirely on what the other person is saying. It shows respect for the candidate, that they have your full attention and you’re interested in what they have to say.
Listen closely to what the candidate says, take notes (more on that in the next point), and ask follow-up questions. In addition, make sure your body language shows you are listening: smile, make eye contact, and try to avoid fidgeting or crossing your arms.
6. Take Notes
Taking notes during an interview will help you listen more closely and keep track of topics you want to follow up on later in the interview. This will give you better results than interrupting the candidate to ask clarifying questions.
Taking thorough notes also gives you something to refer back to when determining which candidate is best suited to the position.
7. Give the Candidate a Chance To Ask Questions
Either during the interview or at the end, make sure to allow the candidate to ask questions. Not only will this bring up topics you haven’t yet discussed, it will also tell you a lot about the candidate.
The questions they ask give you insight into their personality, professionalism, and whether they’re genuinely interested in your company and the position.
8. Sell the Job
Don’t forget that not only are you interviewing the candidate—they’re also interviewing you! Make sure to give them the information they need to determine if the position and your company are the right fit for them.
This means selling the role and your organization. This can include telling your company story, talking about company culture, introducing them to a few key employees, or going over the benefits and perks the candidate can look forward to enjoying in their new job.
9. Communicate Clearly About Next Steps
Close the interview with clarity—let the candidate know if or when you will follow up with them.
For example, if you know you won't follow up with every candidate, tell them you will get back to them only if they are moving forward in the process. Or, if you prefer to have the candidate contact you to follow up, make sure they know to do so.
If you schedule a second interview, be clear about the specifics. If you need the candidate to send you additional information, let them know. And if you choose to make an offer at the end of the interview, have all the necessary paperwork and specifics ready to go.
Communicating clearly will ensure there is no confusion about what the next steps in the interview process are.
10. Don’t Forget To Follow Up!
For the candidates you plan to follow up with, start by sending a thank-you note or email, expressing your appreciation for their time and reinforcing your interest in them. You should also send them any specifics about a second interview or requests for additional information. End by telling them where to direct any further questions or concerns.
We hope these tips for running a successful interview help you improve your interview process and secure candidates that are the best fit for your company! If you’re looking for more help with the interview and hiring process, check out these Red Seat blogs: