Job Search - Free 30 minute consultation


At Red Seat we help companies hire.  We write ads, receive and scrutinize resumes, scour the internet & databases for prospective candidates and create and complete interviews.  All this to uncover candidates that have the skills and experience our clients seek.  

Our work, recruiting for our clients’ specific openings, has translated well to assisting job seekers in their job search.  While we don’t market this service (at least not yet), I have conducted 100s of phone calls with friends, friends of friends and friends of clients and have nearly perfected a 30-minute speed version to assist in job search. 

It has been difficult to hear of the many layoffs or furloughs and to pay it forward, I am offering a free 30-minute job search consultation. 

Here is what we’ll cover:

·         The type of position you seek

·         Your resume and LinkedIn profile

·         Your go-to-market plan for your job search

·         Concerns you have about your search

My job on the call is to:

·         Provide you resources & ideas how to efficiently approach your search

·         Suggest changes you may want to consider on your resume and/or LinkedIn profile

·         Address and strategize with you how to overcome objections/concerns during your search 

This Free Consultation is offered on a first come, first service and I am accepting up to 5 requests a week through the month of April.  The catch? No catch.  We are all in this together.  Hoping we stay safe and healthy. 

Set a Calendly appointment:

Or contact me directly:  Talley Flora // // 952-893-0020